MMUCG had a superb Welcoming Night on 4th July 2007. The event was actually dedicated to all responsive freshies. We wanted to build strong relationship with them and slowly bring them to know Christ. Moreover, we also aimed to challenge existing members and visitors to take up more roles in serving the Lord.
High praise
Our goal was 20 people, including all the existing members. Praise the Lord that we did reach the target!
The Welcoming Night came with the title “J-Generation”. Basically we wanted to learn from all the mighty men in the bible whose name had the initial “J” , like Joshua, Joseph, etc.
Who says seniors like being BIG bully? The saying is not applicable to our Caregroup. Tell you what, our seniors here are all very adorable one. Maybe you’ve phobia during orientation week but hey, look here! See their posing, so cute! They are much friendlier than you could ever imagine.
Seniors with their very own posings
The CG was amazing. Everyone jumped and danced along during the high praise! The house was too small to occupy so many people. We were overjoyed like kids and had our feet on dancing because GOD WAS and IS with us. You could expect accident happening here. There were 3 games led by Sheue Yun, Chee Yi and Jinnie. All very fun game. This was the time when you can see all the seniors "kiddy" around with the juniors.
J-Generation ended with refreshment. The refreshment were keropok lekor and green bean soup. The keropok lekor was brought all the way from Terengganu by Chiu Ling. Many love the keropok very much. Our 3 Chinese friends love the green bean soup very much. They said that they miss their mom’s cooking and they were so touched that they could drink the delicacy here. Thank God for Sister Erica’s feedback on the other week’s CG. The ‘tong sui’ strategy really works for outreach/follow up. Hehe.. ^.^
Refreshment - keropok lekor and green bean soup
MMUCG, you all have done great job in outreach! Give yourself a BIG clap! Yay! The seeds are all here. Do persistant on watering so that the seeds will grow and become a plant and eventually see fruits bear. And don’t forget to keep the contacts in prayer, for we want to allow God to work within us. Amen!