Saturday, December 09, 2006

11th Malaysia National Convention

One Big Family Of CyBeRians IN JB

Yo pEopLe, MNC has just Ended with a lot a lot of testimony from everyone who went. EvEryOne Seems to be EnJoYing themselves. I'm too felt Blessed and JoyFul, With Tonnes of Laugher in our Group especially you know who. So if you have any testimony to share please do SHARE.
And Now we are all heading The PeNGUin Year! So let Us Start tHe ICE in Us! Move Forward For a great year for our Lord Jesus Christ! Amen. Let us flash back in our convention.

First Day

Vibrant People 'Rocking' JB on D arriVal

Second Day

Vibrant people KNEW when to HAVe Fun

Third Day
Vibrant PEOPLE prepare for USHERING!

Come Let's make up!

Let Bahrain SHINE through MMUcg! Amen! Preparation Begins

"Jason squezze you Lips together is time for lipstick"

Final Day

ViBrant People 'MEET' before DEPATURE

And so This is the END of the VIBRantion Group in JB. We're NOW ready to ROCK MMU..... AMEN!