Friday, February 16, 2007


MMU students 'Lou Sang' for a Prosperous Year
2007 Year With a Big family

The Every Moment

Each family has moments,
Moments of happiness and emotion.
Moments that show love and kindness.
To each member of the family.
Some family moments are sad,
Some show hate that never lasts.
Then the truth shines and shows,
Each family moment is special after all.
Family moments may show happiness,
Happiness that lights up the earth.
Family Moments are amazing,
So don't forget your...
Family Moments.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Fund RaiSing PrOject

Fund Raising via JCS

MMUCG first fund raising project. Due to a large number of growth in OUR cg, our FINANCIAL expenses also started to increase. So where exactly did we spent our money on?
1) Birthday Cakes and presents, 2) Appreciation Gifts and etc.

For this year of 2007, Our church has prepare a series of activities for us. All this activities are to help us grow more in Christ and help to nurture us, maturing us in our understanding and purpose in this life. SO, this activities are helping us. We had manage to raise more than Rm200, thanks to the team that we had consisting of Jinnie, Peck Charn, Alex and Sheen Yeen (The beSt PrOmoters). NOt only that we also want to give our gratitude to Sheue Yun and Jason who give us a booth for us. All this money is kept for safely in our cg bank. haha!

Below is the ReVIEW of the PROCESS.... Plz Enjoy!!!

Product that we are selling

Two of our Many BEST ProMoter

Magic Eggs For Sale...

Candy trying really hard to SELL the ProDuct

Oh! Wrong Store?

CameRon ReTrEaT

CaMeRon ReTreAT 2007

New Gen FiRst EvEr ReTrEaT.

Thank God for such a WonDeRful ReTreAt. GueSS WhaT? We'd taken more than 1000 pictures! Amazing for AMATEURS like me! I guess after this trip, all of us are natural potential and talented in becoming super models, especially some SISTERS and you know who you are.

We thank God, We had our brother Alex, an expert navigator, who take all the navigation skills to bring us across the mountain and ocean to ENJOY the beautiful scenery of cameron. Eventhough, this trip is just a 2days 1 night thing but I believe each one of us really enjoyed ourself and we FULLY utiliZE our TIme to FELLOWSHIP together, To HAVE fun together, TO PRAY together and more. Yes, I DID enJOy Myself Very Much.

SiSteRs! FrEEzing CoLd?True or NOt!

BroThers! the StRonG 'n' CouRageous