Friday, September 21, 2007

BBQ+Mid Autumn Festival

Act in Unity

In Conjunction with Moon Cake Festival, We had our very FIRST BBQ in Cyberia at C1 Swimming Pool(The very best View of all, the air is fresh, the swimming pool is clean, the scene is just magnificent). Though is almost to EXAM period, yet all of us STILL come OUT with ALL our ENERGY to MAKAN and PLAY. Wuahaha! (of coz la, study study also need to take some time for fresh air mah...). Thank God, we're able to see more than 30 People joining us with 9 People from Inti College. Not only we are able to know a lot, a lot of new friends, yet we had lots of fun talking and fellowship with them especially to Jason's huge gang of friends and the INTI Gang.

Look at All the FOODs.... the PEOPLE.... Wow~~

The NIGHT started with All of us are Separated to 5 Groups. We played a Series of Games with the first round called “Action Continuity” and then bonus round for all groups, “Feed Your People” and finally we wrap up with the final round, “Unified Action” where everyone take part in an acting competition.

Below is all the 5 TEAMs and Their TITLEs:

Most Creative and also the Best Performing Team. Congratz, Jason and Team!

Best Team work leaded by both Jinnie and Chee Yi

Best in Stewardship lead by Joleen

Most Hardworking Team lead by Alex

Most Vibrant and Excited Group lead by Eugene

I believe THAT EveryOne Trully enjoyed Themselves... Acting, Eating, Playing, Talking etc.....

Do Come to JOIN us mOre OfTen!
(As you know, without YOU all, we can not finish the food!!@#!~ haha! and of cause also not so fun lol)

Monday, September 17, 2007

Faithfulness is Fruitfulness

Faithfulness is Fruitfulness
Mat 25:14-30 by Ps. Dennis

· Gen 1:28,3:16,13:16,24:60.
· Exo 1:7,12;12:37

1. God entrust us with talents(v14-15)
1.1 Stewardship not ownership
· Talents do not belong to us but God
1.2 God determines the number of talents. 1Cor 12:11,28
· Look at what you have and don't look at what you don't have
1.3 Given according to our abilities
· Combine all your gifting into a single ministry

2. God gives us the responsibility to serve with our talents(v16-18)
2.1 To be trusted is an honour and privilege.
· Rom 1:5-6
2.2 Put the talents to productive use.
· Col 3:17,23-24
2.3 Be motivated to gain more for God!
2.4 How we use our time will determine the fruitfulness eventually!
· Gen 41:51-52
· When our mind is alert do some reading and etc, when our mind is tired do some physical stuff such as sweeping floor etc.

3. God will hold us accountable for our Stewardship.(v19-27)
3.1 Show God the fruits! (1Cor 3:10-15)
3.2 God evaluate our faithfulness by our fruitfulness.
· Jn 12:24,14:12,15:7,8,12,16
· Acts 2:41,4:4,6:7
3.3 Our reward is greater responsibility and honor from God.
3.4 Jesus equates unfruitfulness to unfaithfulness, wickedness and laziness.

Friday, September 07, 2007

LiF3 G@m3

What you see Life Game as? Merely a game (How pathetic!)? You think it’s a game that is real enough to reflect your real life character? *&^$@%#! Sure enough all kinds of thoughts cross over your mind.

Life game= purely a game?! What type of road would you choose for your life?

Life Game is not a camp whereby campers are to climb mountains or dive into the sea or even jungle trekking. As per promoted in church, it is like in the real world. The real life events and incidents are all brought into Life Game. In this game, you can play different roles such as students, teachers, police officers, businessmen, blablabla.. Moreover, you can go to school, work, setting up a family and running your daily routine. You will face choices in life, good or bad, which you will have to bear on the cost of your choice. In short, you are here to discover your life purpose through the way you conduct your life.

Oh dear, why the MMUians ended up in jail?!! -_-

Life Game is a God-inspired game founded by Pastor John Kwan from Malaysia. Up to 2006, it has been held for more than 22 times. More than 3500 youths have learnt the value of life. We praise God that this game has been a blessing to many who took part.

Praise God that Hope KL managed to be fitted into the Life Game schedule this year and we just had this life transforming camp organized at Inti, Nilai last week. The camp breaks the record of being the largest student camp in Hope KL!!! It has touched and impacted lives of its 358 campers. By God’s grace, we witnessed the coming of the 7 newly-born spiritual babies. Hallelujah!

The congregation were praising the Lord

The presence of the Lord was so strong during the 4-days-3nights camp. Many responded to commit their lives in God’s ministry. As children of God, we face all kinds of challenges in our walk with Him. We live in the world, not of the world. However, often, we find ourselves following the wide road taken by the crowd. It takes courage for us to lay our lives for God by putting down our selfish desires, following Jesus with the hard and narrow road. In our own desires, we might gain the whole world yet our souls die; but in God, we find true life that will last for eternity.

We find life purpose in God

Life is only once. We are grateful that Life Game is just a game and we can still renew our relationship and commitment to God to see a greater breakthrough in our lifetime. It reminds us to live our life honoring God’s name, doing things that bring lasting fruits.

What can bring eternal fruit?

We pray that Life Game that has been touching lives and changing hearts will not meet its end in the camp; instead the message of God will deeply press into every heart. Each life will be refreshed by God’s love and God’s works, each life will live with the hope of God.

A time of strengthening each other with testimonies

God knows the future, and His plans for us are good and full of hope. We will not be spared from trials, temptation and troubles but God will see us through to a glorious end. So long as we walk in line with God’s plan, no doubt we can see boundless hope. Jeremiah 29:11- “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

One way--> Jesus!

Do not let regretful decisions take away God’s perfect plan for your life. Never choose the common road that leads to destruction. Make a difference by choosing the narrow road, and you shall see life.