Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I'm FREE! Easter Celebration

MMU Are Free!

Easter is the most important celebration for Christian. On this day, Jesus raised from the Dead, 3 days after He had been crucified. This is the day that He has proclaim VICTORY to everyone who believes on Him (John 3:16).

Sadly, a lot people are not able to know this truth and so we had our own outreach in MMU. I believe that everyone of us has the desired to go to reach out to your friends and families. For your info, God's purpose for us is to do mission and MISSION is a lifestyle. We could use whatever method for mission such as buying people food to eat, be a good and faithful friend, to help the needy and more.

Praise God for the past one week, We had been able to reach out more than 15 people, proclaiming Easter to them. The seed had been planted, let us believe God will grow it. Amen. Some of these people are still in contact with me and they're very open, smiling at me, talking to me and etc. The harvest is RIPE and is has been always ripe, yet the question is are we ready for this harvest? This is a good question.

Bro and Sis, as we are preparing for the next June First Year intake, let us ask God to prepare our heart for new and cute freshies to come in. Let us continue to believe God will add to our number. Amen.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Eyes' Of MMUians

Eyes' Of MMUians

We'll be ThE EyEs' of ThE WOrLd.

Eye's Of Malaysia has PENETRATED the LaNd of MMU... Those wHo SeEn It, WiLL know THaT We'rE the LIGHT of this world... Let IT BE SHINE...(Mat 5:13-16).

"... Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father is heaven" Mat 5:16

THe Main objective of this TriP is to KNoW more FrieNDS, yes WE achieve it, We had 6 NeW fRienDs JoinIng us and We're able to have some OLD fRienDs joining us back again. We had 5 cars and altogether 21 people... Amen! Yes... EaCh one Of us enJoy the trip VerY much~~~ Let's Do it MoRe OftEN.

OuR triP StArt with A DINNER at a TEA houSE at SeTapAk...

Where Is The Fire WOrk?